NOBODY CHOOSES TO be a picky eater. It’s not easy, it’s not fun, and the general public isn’t exactly understanding about it.
But you’re not alone. Many, many people share in your plight, and they have messages of solidarity.
1. When you try to step out of your picky eater box…
2. …And the regret that follows stepping out of the box
Never again!
3. The terror of dinner at a friends’ house
“SH*T. I’m not going to like this. SH*T, I’m gonna have to eat it anyway!” *hyperventilates*
4. And the struggle of disposing unwanted food
5. These totally normal and not at all annoying requests
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
6. This pile of rejects
Get thee behind me, Satan.
7. This particular problem
8. This struggle
Have you considered supporting our new campaign, #PutNuggetsAndChipsOnAdultMenus2017?
9. “Just pick them off.”
10. This important announcement
11. When you can detect even a hint of a food you don’t like in your meal
There’s a shred of unwanted lettuce SOMEWHERE in your deli sandwich. You’re not sure where, but you will find it, and you will kill it (pick it out).
12. And when your ‘on the side’ request is blatantly ignored
We asked you to do ONE thing. Just one!
13. When people tell you to ‘broaden your horizons’